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Terapia psicanalítica e metafísica

Which service line do you work?

We have gathered in our curriculum several areas of knowledge. We work in metaphysical, holistic and psychosomatic lines. Holo-systemic therapy works the Being as a whole. The real transformation takes place when consciousness expands.

For whom is therapeutic care indicated?

For people who need to optimize their quality of life;

Have a better view of yourself and the world around you;

Learn to turn problems into solutions;

Find the metaphysical aspects for illnesses, traumas, conflicts, etc;

Expand decision-making capacity, which will allow for a positive and inspiring flow.

What types of service can I do?

Conventional therapeutic care (psychosomatic, metaphysical and psychoanalytic) - expose your condition and be guided as to the points to be worked on in the situation, a technique that sees the individual as a whole, to expose their real mental and emotional condition, to be guided as to the points to be worked on and changed. Approach that can be requested by the user: understanding of dreams, memories and symbols.

Chat with the animal - see lecture

Unconscious induction - discovering in the unconscious part (little accessed) what stops or prevents a situation from going forward.

Family constellation - information

Hypnosis - healing traumas from the past (reconnecting parts lost in another time); rescue self-worth and self-love; release forgiveness; heal hurts and resentments; reframe misunderstood situations.

Personal and professional coaching - for careers; focus on studies; discover behaviors detrimental to your success; understand what your life purpose is (personal motivation of existence). Accelerate results.

How can I contact you for a session?

Send an email to: . Contact WhatsApp 31-98889-1096 (only chat, we don't answer calls) . Via chat on the website. We will send you a short questionnaire to understand your need.

Which therapist will do the session?

Holosystemic therapist Márcia Diniz. Graduated in Integrative Holistic Therapies, Master in Reiki, Life Coach, postgraduate in Neuropsychology, MBA in People Management, Leadership and Coaching, Psychopedagogy and Emotional Intelligence. Courses in the area of ​​psychoanalysis, hypnosis. Family constellation.

Registration: SB-P1038/19

By what means is the session done?

Online service via Zoom or Whats. The user can suggest another method that he/she prefers. :)

How long is the session (with the exception of the family constellation)?

One hour - 200.00

See packages.

We split the values.

To schedule a time, write us informing your preferred day(s) and time(s). We will pass the available schedule.

Other therapies:

Hermetic Radionics Table

Quantum Table



Saiba a opinião de quem ja adquiriu nossos serviços!


Muito obrigada, Márcia, pelo encontro de ontem. Foi uma bênção. Deixou-me esclarecida, leve e com força de continuar a minha peregrinação existencial.

Conceição Adelina

Maria Bárbara

Trabalhos energéticos

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