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Magia da Transformação
Metafísica, Autoconhecimento & Espiritualidade
It is an energetic/spiritual treatment through which light energies are inserted in the animals' field, in order to assist them in their internal and health processes, at all levels.
The transfer of frequencies is performed through the song "Canção do Universo", by the Elohim. The mp3 audio file is sent by email or Whats, as the tutor prefers.
Which animals can be treated with TM?
Any animals can undergo the TM treatment, as long as the guidelines regarding the treatment process in general are respected (see lecture).
How long can I treat my pet through TM?
Indefinitely. TM frequencies help in the health, psychological and emotional well-being of animals, respecting the profile and nature of each species.
How long will the applications last?
TM frequencies act in the field of animals for three months, from the day the energy transfer was performed.
When to start treating my animals with TM?
TM helps to promote the general health and well-being of our pets regardless of their health status, therefore, it is not only recommended in cases of illness. Animals in ideal health conditions can undergo the treatment. There are no contraindications.
How do I go about treating my animals?
Write to sonsdaalva@gmail.com or send a message to our Whats (31)988891096. You will fill in a form with the necessary data and information.
What is the treatment investment?
R$100 per application. They can be paid via deposit\transfer (ask for the contact details) or via PagSeguro\PayPal. Links are sent after contact.
TM is not a medicine and does not have any invasive method. Under no circumstances does TM replace the work of veterinary medicine professionals, nor the care that falls to the tutor.
Do not abandon any type of medical treatment that your pet may perform. Follow the guidelines of your trusted veterinarian and keep regular visits necessary to take care of your pet's health.
Although it goes by the name of "magic", TM is not witchcraft, it is the insertion of energies from higher planes of Light to assist in the health and life of animals, without causing them any kind of pain or emotional, psychological and physical harm. . TM is not Reiki. No promises are made about the results of the treatment, as those who carry it out are aware that the animal's health depends on a set of factors. This work is of a spiritual order and done through the channeling of science from other dimensions. If our method of work hurts your convictions and beliefs, do not initiate contact for treatment purposes.
Magic of Transformation - 2020 - All rights reserved ©
This is the exclusive work of Filhos da Alva, no one anywhere is authorized to work with this tool on behalf of this project or the Elohim.