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Testimonials Courses

Courses: Seven Weeks of Healing, Alchemy of Consciousness and Raising the Scepter of God  

Hi Marcia,

I want to thank you for your availability and for the unique work that you and Vinícius developed and that helped me a lot. At the time I separated, I got a little lost and asked God to put someone in who could help me work with detachment. I arranged with God that the next morning, the first video I saw would bring a message from him to me, and guess who was there? Vinícius' video that spoke of detachment, lol. So you were appointed by God! The fact is that since then I started to follow them. Next I bought Athena and Elohim materials (Seven Weeks of Healing, Alchemy of Consciousness and Raising the Scepter of God). Today, after a few months of doing this work, studying, understanding, opening up, I realize that I have lowered my barriers and grown a lot. Now I feel naturally well, I'm still getting stronger, but I'm getting better every day than before and I see the hand of God... I see that everything that happened was necessary for the growth of both of us. I remember the song that says: "I walk slowly because I was in a hurry and I bring that smile, because I cried too much..." I thank God and Vinícius every day in my prayers, he is a boy of God, an enlightened spirit, who came to earth to help us and lift us up in times of challenge. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude! May God bless and multiply everything that can bring joy in your life! Thanks my dears!!!

Thanks again!! God bless you!!!



Testimonials Courses

"Vinícius, queria muito te dizer uma coisa, eu sou muito grata em ter conhecido seus ensinamentos. Você não faz ideia do quanto me transformei nos últimos 4 anos, e em especial de um ano pra cá.

   Não me refiro a nada material, mas internamente, como essas mudanças interiores me trazem a paz que eu sempre quis e que gostaria que todos tivessem, mas, infelizmente, cada um segue sua jornada. 

   Porém eu precisava muito te dizer isso, cada vez que ouço, repetidas mensagens porque não me canso delas, cada vez me traz um novo olhar, e tudo faz sentido,  tudo se encaixa. Estou tendo sensações e conexão totalmente diferentes, parece até que não sou desse mundo kkkkk. Estou muito grata por ter te encontrado. 

   Obrigada por ampliar meus horizontes! 

   Para você e sua equipe, luz e bênção! 🙏🏻🥰"

Tatiana de Oliveira

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