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Mesa Quântica

imagem mesa quantica prosperidade modifi

Quantum Table

The Quantum Table carried out by our team has a delivery time according to the work demand. With an estimated forecast of 2 to 7 days. D enter the deadline, we will contact sending the photo montage and the manual with the prayer that you should do for 30 days.

The Quantum Table is a work of energetic cleansing , black magic cancellation , opening of paths, awareness of the Being.

It is a white magic ritual where some objects are used for such. For 30 days, the person for whom the Table is made must perform an attunement so that the effects are potentiated.

For whom can the Table be held?

For anyone, even if they are not in the process of self-knowledge and spirituality.

Note: As it is a tool of light, the person needs to consent to the completion of the Table and pray the 30 days prayer.

What do I need to do to activate the Table?

The assembly of the table is done by us. The only thing we will ask the user to do is a prayer during the 30 days.

When you want the Table for someone else, that person must agree and perform the prayer as well.

How is the tool return passed?

We will send the photo of the assembly of the table informing the status of the work via Whats or e-mail.

Can I run the Table on my own?

Yes. In this case, you will receive a PDF material for the assembly of the Table.

Can I repeat the table every few minutes?

2 every 2 months.


The data for purchase are in the links below, in them you can find account data (deposit/transfer), Pix, or payment methods via PayPal, PagSeguro or Mercado Pago.

Send an email or Whats with the person's name and proof of payment.

Then, we will schedule the day of assembly and sending the photo of it.

The table costs 100.00

Mesa Acquisition - Filhos da Alva Team assembly

Table acquisition - self-assembly



 "Moro no exterior e tenho encontrado dificuldades em me estabelecer numa profissão e emprego. Tenho feito várias mesas aqui pelos Filhos da Alva. Sinto o amor, a luz que vem destes trabalhos. É incrível como tem me ajudado a manter-me firme mesmo em meio as adversidades.

Gratidão Márcia, sua ajuda e a do Vinícius são um bálsamo na alma."


Fla´via Conde

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