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reiki a distância
sessão de reiki a distância

REI = Universal Wisdom / KI = Vital Energy

What is Reiki energy?

Reiki is a therapeutic technique, where the facilitator channels vital energy and passes it on to the user. Its purpose is to restore balance to the chakras, restoring physical, emotional, psychic and spiritual health. With the aura composed of high frequency energies, low vibration energies are eliminated. All seven bodies start working in harmony.

Through the symbol Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen, which means “The God in me greets the God in you” distance healing is done. This symbol opens a dimensional portal for the connection to take place.

How is the session performed?

The session is held remotely, at the scheduled time, the therapist will send the frequencies.

There will be a work of alignment of the chakras, crystal therapy and color therapy.

A photo of the process will be sent.

Application duration?

1 hour

How should I proceed to receive the application remotely?

You can tune in to the therapist at the appointed time, or continue with your tasks. Energy is sent in the same way. Details will be informed when closing the session.

Who is Reiki suitable for?

Any symptoms of physical pain, emotional healing, people with addiction problems, insomnia, mental disorders, stress relief. Treatment of fears, phobias, anger and resentments.

Can I apply for an application for another person or an animal?

Yes, no problems. The energy will reach the person or animal in the same way.

What will I feel during the application?

The application can cause sleepiness, tingling in some region of the body, lightness, deep relaxation. In some people the symptoms do not appear on application, being noticed later in the course of days.

How many sessions are needed?

According to the well-being felt, the receiver can acquire as many sessions as he likes.

Which therapist will do the session?

The holosystemic and metaphysical therapist Márcia Diniz. Graduated in Integrative Holistic Therapies, Master in Reiki, Life Coach, Systemic Family Constellation. Postgraduate degree in neuropsychology, psychopedagogy, MBA in people management, leadership and coaching. Courses in psychoanalysis and hypnosis.

Registration: SB-P1038/19

Is Reiki a treatment that replaces medical care?

Not at all. It is an integrative energetic treatment. Medical recommendations should be followed if this is the case.

What data should I send to receive the application?

Contact us at WhatsApp or email . Informing the number of sessions you want, the name of the person who will receive the applications, for what purpose the Reiki will be directed (health problem, psychological, emotional etc), and the preferred method for acquisition. Best day and time to receive sessions.

The times for the sessions will be defined according to the client's and therapist's schedule.

Remembering that regardless of being able to connect at the time of the application, you can receive it wherever you are.

What is the value per application?


Package with 2 or 3 sessions: 5% discount

4-session package: 10% discount

There are studies that prove its effectiveness:

“Dr. John Zimmerman of the University of Colorado, using a squid (superconducting quantum interference device), discovered that magnetic fields are created around the hands of Reiki practitioners. The frequencies of these fields were alpha- and gamma-type waves, similar to those observed in the brains of meditators.” Source:

Alpha Wave: Programs the mind, deep relaxation, heightened intuition.

Wave Gamma: High level of information processing, ease of discernment.


Bom dia! 🌹

Queridos, ❤️

Estou super bem.

Nossa Márcia! Você não fazia ideia como eu estava 🤭🤭  e como estou agora.

Eu não te contei, aquele dia eu tinha sonhado com você, que a gente estava fazendo terapia,  daí acordei veio o reiki na minha cabeça foi quando entrei em contato . Que bênção vocês são na nossa vida. 🙏🙏

Lucilene Zandoná

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